Monday, December 30, 2013

Spreading the Word

I spend a lot of time online, using chat rooms and such to meet people. I like to talk to people, and of course the question of, "What do you like to do for fun?" always comes up. I tend to almost immediately tell the person I'm talking to all about Dogfight: Starship Edition. I've got a friend in Australia who now wants to buy the game, which is awesome.

My husband, Zack, is also spreading the game. He is currently deployed in Afghanistan and he took a copy of the game with him. He has taught numerous people how to play, and a few plan to purchase the game when they return from the deployment.

What we are doing, talking up the game, we do it because we love to. We believe in this game and want it to succeed. This is because it is an amazing game created by a great guy who has worked very hard on this game for many years.

In conclusion I basically just want to say, if you like this game, or even just the idea of it, spread the word about Dogfight: Starship Edition to other people you know who might also enjoy it!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dogfight Official Website

The latest post on the Dogfight: Starship Edition official blog is an Ask a Veteran section. You can go and ask any questions about the game and its mechanics and have it answered by one or more of the veteran players. It's totally awesome, go ask your questions!

My Current Decklist

U.S.S. Tavor

Overworked Engineer
Energy Shield
Peak Efficiency
Weapons Upgrade
First Officer
Retrofitted Shields
Boy Scout

7 Accelerate
2 Redeployment
3 Attack Position
1 Repair and Retreat

5 Archer Missile
2 Aggressive Assault
2 Mission: Minor Objective
2 Clear Shot
1 Pursue
1 Close Quarters
1 Hybrid Scatter Cannon
1 Counter Strike

1 Jamming
1 Engineering Team
1 Charged Plating
1 Interference
1 Weapons Power Up
2 Reroute
3 Extra Counters
2 Draw Three
1 Point Lasers
1 Deflected Attack
1 Evasive Maneuvers

I realize that a lot of these cards are still in beta, but this is my current test deck and pretty much the only deck I play on a regular basis. It doesn't lose often, and as you can see it's sort of a Swiss Army deck, as much as it can be.

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Little Promotion

I realize that most people who come here are going to be people I've directed here, but if you happen to stumble upon this blog while searching for information on, say, tcgs, allow me to direct you to the game's official website at . There you will find information on the game, what's out now, what's being released soon, pland for the future, and most importantly, how to purchase the game. Also, feel free to check out Michael Fox's (the creator) official Dogfight blog at !

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

F.A.S. Brutus Magnus Decklist

This is my full complement deck for the F.A.S. Brutus Magnus, built entirely using the Mobility Mini-Set and the U.S.P.V. Inferno and U.S.S. Relentless core decks.

F.A.S. BRUTUS MAGNUS (Expedience)

6 Equipment:
Double Burst
Rocket Boosters
Veteran Helmsman
Power Generator

66 Cards total:

24 Move:
14 Evade
2 Conservative Action
2 Attack Position
2 Repair and Retreat
2 More Speed
2 Withdraw

21 Intervene:
6 Extra Counters
2 Repair
2 Reroute
2 Evasive Maneuvers
2 Deflected Attack
2 Miss
2 Improved Performance
1 Draw 3
1 Extra Action
1 Extended Vision

21 Attack:
3 Missiles
3 Torpedoes
4 Clear Shot
1 Cheap Shot
2 Combat Expertise: Weapons
4 Concussion Missiles
1 Quick Attack
2 Long Range Targeting
1 Close Quarters

I basically built this deck to be able to move around a lot, building energy constantly to hit the opponent with any time they got close by. I was only really able to test it once, so results as to whether it works or not are inconclusive.

A Bit of Sad News

The box that had my proof decks (the Inferno and the Relentless), my deck box from Fantasy Flight, my favorite card sleeves, and my mobility mini-set in it, as well as Dillon and Zack's proof decks (the Intrepid and the Achilles, respectively), was left on top of the car on the way to Mobicon Sunday morning. It was subsequently lost and not recovered, so I am unable to rebuild the Brutus Magnus deck that I had made prior to the release.

On a different note, though, now that the convention is over, I do have the core set Brutus to work with. I cannot make any alterations to it, but I can play, at least. I will be posting the decklist I had made for a kind of thrown together deck using the Brutus Magnus ship and the proof decks I had as well as the mobility mini-set, for anyone who might like to use it or alter it.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Mobicon 2013 is over

Overall, I would say we had a successful weekend. I may have only sold 4 copies, but Dillon and Zack demonstrated to over 80 people, not one of whom disliked the game. We also have two game shops, Mini War Games is Pensacola, Florida, and Game Master's Guild in Crestview, Florida, who are very interested in stocking the game on their shelves. Mini War Games also wants us to come down and demo the game in their shop. We had a lot of fun, met a lot of interesting people, and spread the word about the game. I think that's more important than how many we actually sold.

I also managed to sell a few of my Perler bead creations and one of Dillon's bags. That was pretty cool.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Today is the first day of Mobicon! After 2 months of planning and lots of anticipation, Dogfight: Starship Edition released Wednesday, just soon enough for us to have core sets to sell at our booth. I am running the booth, Dillon is demonstrating the game in the game room, and Zack is kind of roaming around relieving us as needed.

So far we have made one sale, but Dillon has given lots of demos and generated interest in the game, which is really what we're here for.

Also, we have cake!